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01/21/15 11:36 AM

#271559 RE: Aspenots #271554

I find that comical that anyone can do a quick search and find all that information in a second on the benefits of streaming at a lower bandwidth. Again, going to a BB and asking someone about Ultraflix in the appliance section will most likely get a blank stare. Funny how BB promoted Ultraflix around the country. That was a big deal right? Smart move on their part to build awareness right? Ultraflix displayed at CES at Samsung and Sony as well right?



01/21/15 6:17 PM

#271684 RE: Aspenots #271554

Examples where they're failing: IE:ntek..

What I see is that ntek and it's principles have 2 sides of stories they are telling.
The story to chat boards, twits and facebook about their 'leaders of 4K' baloney and unsubstantiated stories of partnerships, deals and earned awards and accolades. And that ultrasux is on every TV on the planet. This story is only told to the stock tout community and internet. The fact that the ntek story is on Ihub is a major red flag.

The other story, with probably the more truth to it, is at events where ntek and principles only say coming soon, don't make promises and stay low key and are very careful what they promise. Part of this story is what ntek doesn't advertise any of their products on and that is any traditional public advertising venues. Nanotech is an unknown entity in the real world. Netflix the app is advertised on TV, newspapers, bus stops and weekend cheap ad flyers. Netflix and amazon are known out in joe public. nano simply doesn't exist off the internet.