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01/14/15 1:58 PM

#28303 RE: maverick_1 #28287

Without Instl Interest $shr limits

Hopefully at some point we get the necessary traction with dealing with a mere fragment of the marketing potential: those 9 CLDX analysts directly sent vs those empty indirect tries late Fall 2014 with Baker Bros. Best always to do it oneself.

Dealing with movers and their instl clients clearly has 100 fold impact than individuals.Unless you have experienced the full investment process and how it really works, talking amongst ourselves clearly has it's demonstrated limitations. No one on this board has the full panoply of knowledge, let alone the experience of dealing face to face with institution whether they are $50 mln or $10 Billion PLUS assets under mgt that is solely equity oriented. The origin of most posters emanate from a either a personal encounter with cancer or a loved ones' versus solely investment process orientation.That's a very large distinction.

Everyone should forward copies of BOTH transcripts w/ necessary audio links to whomever because OUTREACH is IMHO more critical than spending time on this board posting as you should be all up to speed.With ww markets in disarray courtesy of the implications of DEFLATION and the massive acceleration in collaborations lately in this space one needs to devote time vs ignore means much less on this board for me!

Good to see Ask SIZE offerings being taken OUT despite initial tepid response to Biotech Showcase presentation which coincidentally even with the limited OPCO audience (mostly retail oriented vs instl) AND was LAST in schedule of presenters when most attendees are close to spent with day's lineup.