Tauriga Sciences Inc. Announces the Launch of Its taurigastore.com eCommerce Website
Thursday January 8, 2015 (Los Angeles, CA) -- Tauriga Sciences, Inc. (OTCQB: TAUG) ("Tauriga" or the “Company"), a diversified life sciences company with interests in the natural wellness sector and in developing a proprietary synthetic biology platform technology, today launched its http://www.taurigastore.com eCommerce website. This launch allows consumers to shop online with the Company for its non-cannabis containing line of natural wellness dietary supplements. These natural supplements include IndiCalm, natural calming formula without inducing cognitive impairment; ClearNaze, a natural decongestant without stimulant or drowsiness effects; Satietiva, an amino acid-based appetite suppressant (preorder until February 2); and Mend?Can, a highly pure, potent and palatable Omega 3 supplement.
Tauriga’s Chairman & CEO Dr. Stella Sung stated, “We’re thrilled to launch our http://www.taurigastore.com eCommerce web site. It is a major milestone for our Company because it will enable us to start building our revenue stream with products we proudly believe will be a welcome solution for enhancing healing and lifestyle. Entering the online channel provides us with an additional opportunity for growth as well as an important opportunity to develop a closer relationship with our consumers by better understanding their product preferences and by having another avenue for communication. We believe these valuable insights will help us improve our consumers’ experiences with all of our products and will be useful input for our new product development strategy.”
In addition to Tauriga’s non-cannabis containing line of natural wellness dietary supplements, Tauriga recently launched its proprietary topical medicinal cannabis cream branded as TopiCanna. Many who have used topical cannabis creams have reported decreased musculoskeletal pain. TopiCanna is designed to provide potential natural wellness and healing properties without narcotic effects. TopiCanna’s key ingredient is cannabidiol (CBD) oil from non-GMO industrial hemp that is grown without pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. The oil has been lab tested for quality and is natural, safe and legal in the United States. In addition to the CBD oil from non-GMO industrial hemp, the lotion contains ingredients for soothing dry skin, including shea butter and apricot kernel oil. TopiCanna is not offered through the http://www.taurigastore.com eCommerce web site, but interested parties may inquire about TopiCanna at info@tauriga.com.
Tauriga’s Chief Medical Officer Lawrence A. May, M.D. commented, “I am pleased that we are offering these formulations through eCommerce. The initial anecdotal feedback from my patients has been consistently positive. Several of our products are being offered for the first time outside of physicians’ offices, and online sales will allow Tauriga to reach more people who could derive benefit from our supplements in supporting well-being and enhancing function.”