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01/07/15 10:04 PM

#40703 RE: zumantu #40702

Dropped him a note, hopefully he understood the physiology...
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01/07/15 11:39 PM

#40704 RE: zumantu #40702

Outside of the crack about synthetics, this is a fairly positive review of Vascepa.... at least he's introducing the name Vascepa to people that probably never heard of it.(you know that old saying - "I don't care what you call me as long as you call me")

Filtering out the synthetic stuff, suddenly Vascepa sounds pretty good....if he is a shill for Lovaza then that last sentence looks like he's wrestling with his conscience...

Vasepa does not contain DHA, but it does lower LDL cholesterol. Lovaza contains DHA but does not directly lower LDL.

Vascepa is used to reduce triglyceride levels and to optimize cardiac and vascular health in at- risk people. It is a prescription drug derived from omega-3 fatty acids (EPA) that has been shown to prevent fatty liver disease, boost heart health by lowering inflammation, and preventing major coronary problems, angina, and heart attacks. It also has some antidepressant and anti-psychotic properties as well. And it will also lower LDL levels

Most doctors favor Lovaza, but Vasepa has some real advantages that may make it a preferred agent for some people.

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01/08/15 5:43 PM

#40727 RE: zumantu #40702

That makes sense if you catch synthetic fish and extract synthetic EPA, from synthetic fish oil! Yikes this guy is a doctor?
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01/08/15 6:45 PM

#40730 RE: zumantu #40702

Good ghod, that guy has a license to practice medicine?!? That answer has so many errors in it I lost count! He's a frigging moron.
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01/09/15 8:01 AM

#40742 RE: zumantu #40702

I wrote to Hibberd asking for an explanation, wonder if I will get a response.