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05/04/06 9:12 PM

#8982 RE: jwilliams001 #8981

JW, RM3, by his own admission, has only been investing in stocks for 2-3 years. He has been honest about that. I've been doing it for something like 15+or-, but that does NOT make me an expert. I'm actually pretty good at BUYING, but I have a weakness at not SELLING when I should. ex: I bought CDIK at .09 and it sored to $4. I sold some of my profits but not enough. I think I've got SELLING down now. Most of the stocks I purchased and made money off of are now in the graveyard. But that is the SOP of penny stocks. There are very few (almost nill) long term plays.

RM3 is on a learning curve. He thinks he has many of the answers, but I've seen this story play out many times with other new investors. Even myself. I thought I had all of the answers when I had 2 years exp in stocks. Best advice is to treat anything your hear or from any other investor on any board with a grain of salt. Gather the data, gather your own data, and make an eductated/calculated decision. RM3 does NOT have all of the answers. He has been forcasting PPS SPIKES that NEVER happened. You be the judge. My forecast is another R/S within 1-2 years. My strategy is to take my profit on the next FH Pump and Dump. The O/S is off the charts!!!!!!!!!. RISK needs to be factored in. Not hype. All JMHO.

Regarding UNaudited financials .... I just don't see it happening. Not in the near future. FH is hiding for a reason. IMO we need to use some common sense as to WHY. On the other hand... IFFF FH has great financials and he is READY to get off the pinks, I would love to see that data released before or at the next SHM.

Good luck.