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01/01/15 1:06 PM

#20438 RE: wine maker #20430

I used to see it that way too, but
with Fong at the helm that won't happen. He really is just a share selling scam and I see no reason why this dilution scheme won't just continue as it has up to this point. He does RS as soon as it gets to no bid, then starts over printing shares again.

Wash rinse repeat.

And the money goes to him for expenses and compensation, not for building the company.

I helped build a pizza franchise back in the 80's. I'm well aware of how one can literally turn one store into 1000 stores nationwide, but Fong is no Tom Monaghan. It takes that sort of individual to get this done... it ain't never gonna happen with Fong. He's the failure in this failing company. Without him I think it would have a chance, but as long as he's involved it will never be about pizza. It's just another Fong ATM.

As for where it stands right now, the sooner the RS happens the better. It can't go anywhere with "no bid". Bagholders may have a chance to exit right after the RS if creditor promo is involved.

Just say NO to Fong. His companies are only good for riding the pump. After that they only go down with dilution, and fast.


01/06/15 8:27 PM

#20455 RE: wine maker #20430

I see great potential here with the latest news that mention about mobile

app that's sounds good to me