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12/21/14 10:36 PM

#28544 RE: Ognib #28542

no basis? The movie has to make $$$ so they can pay back investors. If the investors don't get paid back by proceeds from movie. As in, IF THE MOVIE FLOPS. or never makes it to big screen, then the investors will utilize share conversion to get paid back.

With 15 billion shares, they could convert a decent amount of $$$ even at current trip PPS.

or lets say the movie is a screaming success…. when does that success take flight?

the investors capital is only restricted til what March?

So if that becomes unrestricted first, they decide they want to recoup and start to convert at a discount…where would this end up?

There isn't much room to go down…SOOOOO,maybe they will go back up first?

pop a RS and see if it will hold from movies, and if not, plenty of room to slide again.

its all a gamble i know. good luck. maybe if i could see some trailers of the movie then id be more inclined to throw in…or perhaps a date of release….