It's cool you found them helpful, and it seems you were correct in your former prediction. So kudos on that. But I've decided it's best if I keep sharing what I'm thinking confined to a smaller population of people (and certainly not 17,000 views daily). I don't like that things I say are only marginally understood, bet on, lost money on (mostly because of foolish trading decisions), and then myself and the more optimistic members of the board are blamed for it.
When I read certain individual's posts on here in particular I cringe, and I know they represent a large percentage of NWBO investors. All sorts of questions run through my head, like, how don't you know that? What did you just say?? Huh??? Are you really investing in biotech????
I'd rather not be a part of that. It's weird but I can't help feeling I'm encouraging gambling. My conscience is bugging me, despite my 5th level signature.