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12/18/14 8:39 AM

#15778 RE: sick nam vet #15777

Thank you for your service.


Former Navy Corpsman

Item 8.01 Other Information

1. The Company is currently finalizing its strategic sales plan. The strategic plan is used by the Company to coordinate its sales and marketing functions to drive customers to its products. Currently, the Company is looking at a 3-phase rollout process.

Phase 1: rollout with one division of a membership store (i.e. Costco) and then proceed to expand throughout the other divisions. The Company has internally used Costco as a possible customer for its first phase.

Phase 2: introduce the product to convenient stores such as 7-11. The Company prefers the convenient store model because the number of convenient stores is significantly higher than traditional retail grocery stores. For example, 7-11 has 54,200 stores in 16 countries of which 10,400 are in North America. These stores provide a large footprint in North American but also allow was easy expansion internationally.

Phase 3: This phase consists of placement of the Company’s products in Walmart and/or Target.

The Company is still finalizing it strategy and is preparing for deliveries to begin March 1st or April 1st.

2. On December 1, 2014 the Company placed its initial purchase orders, through SouthCorp Capital, supplies for the initial product deliveries. The supplies typically take 4-6 weeks from ordering date to arrive. As such, the Company will begin ordering supplies to satisfy up to 3 months of orders.
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The PoPo

12/18/14 8:41 AM

#15779 RE: sick nam vet #15777

"The Company’s broker is meeting this week with the largest grocery store in the US and we expect Nate to meet with them next week."

"Phase 3: This phase consists of placement of the Company’s products in Walmart and/or Target."

"The retailers the Company is currently considering for its rollout have international locations."

"Nate's Pancakes was created by Nate Steck who also created Batter Blaster which was sold in over 13,000 stores and grossed over $40 Million in sales. These stores included Safeway , Walmart and Costco."

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12/18/14 10:39 AM

#15795 RE: sick nam vet #15777

Everything you read here is really just speculation. I have shares that I'm holding, but I'm ready to buy once I'm convinced this will actually make it to shelves.

In the mean time, I'm investing elsewhere. I just think there are way too many opportunities out there to buy NHMD right this minute.

Some complain that this stock is worthless because the decrease in value over the last month, but if you look across the stock market, especially in the energy sector, you will see that a lot of stocks are down quite a bit in the last month.

According to some, these are "worthless stocks" but we all know they will bounce back. Nate's is rebounding with the market and I think that's a good sign.

And nobody cares about my money as much as I do, although I do want to thank those people who are trying to "warn" me and others about NHMD. Thank you for your input but I am also an adult and do care about my money much more than you. I earned my money and what I do with that I earned is none of your business. Please take that to heart. What I do with my money is none of your business just as what you do with your hard earned money is none of my damn business.