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12/12/14 2:13 PM

#2240 RE: jprise #2235

VIP is was already paid for. Company used a 6% note to clear VIP debt


12/12/14 2:28 PM

#2260 RE: jprise #2235

interesting tin foil theory...


12/12/14 2:39 PM

#2279 RE: jprise #2235

I don't have to read any filings to recognize Katy bar the door selling.


12/12/14 4:09 PM

#2450 RE: jprise #2235

Methinks you're pro'ly pretty damn close. Nothing else explains the relentless beating of the bid.

eod buyers may very well have gotten the biggest gift of the year. had to buy a few, myself.


12/12/14 4:11 PM

#2452 RE: jprise #2235

I guess we are going to find out on Monday if a date of Dec. 13th was an answer to all this dump. Someone clearly wanted to unload as much as possible by the end of today...
See you all on Monday. ..


12/12/14 4:21 PM

#2468 RE: jprise #2235

where can we get OS change for today ?


12/12/14 4:41 PM

#2486 RE: jprise #2235

I guess we are going to find out on Monday if a date of Dec. 13th was an answer to all this dump. Someone clearly wanted to unload as much as possible by the end of today...
See you all on Monday. ..


12/13/14 9:22 AM

#2648 RE: jprise #2235

"Conversion rate is 80% of lowest Vwap of 5 previous trading days."

This also helps explain the ramped up/record volume yesterday. The lower the volume, the higher the VWAP woulda been, making the (last minute) conversion rate higher.

By making it a high volume day, it brings the vwap down considerably. Even selling/shorting at >.10 is quite profitable if it brings the vwap down a penny on the conversion rate of $11M worth of shares.

Not exactly sure what the vwap was on the last week's 51.1M shares traded, but I'd venture to say it was around .15, so 80% of that would be a conversion rate around .12.

And, this explains why the a/s was raised from 100M to 300M.


12/13/14 1:14 PM

#2713 RE: jprise #2235

Huhm, I see. But in the end, once it does go up, they will be selling here and there, so we may be in for one wild ride!! Anyone know the A/S here? Will they have to raise it? Won't this all but guarantee that at some point they'll do a R/S? Or just up the A/S?


12/13/14 3:14 PM

#2742 RE: jprise #2235

If Jprise's theory is indeed true, which looks more and more likely and explains most of whats happened here these last couple months - then a few questions:
1. If it was indeed primarily VIP that has been shorting this down so heavily, especially yesterday, do you think they were able to cover some yesterday or will they be covering the majority early next week?
2. After they cover is it likely that the short pressure relief will boost the price much on it's own?
3. When will the filing be released to announce the new share structure and the number of shares allotted to VIP