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12/06/14 7:11 PM

#409 RE: biff2 #408

Are you withholding information regarding the risk related pressures you face in handling your retirement accounts in order to protect your feelings? Or hers? I'm surprised you don't give her a mini-lesson in what it takes to produce passive income that is hardly passive at all. My wife is terrible with math, I'm a math guy. She knows nothing of investing and I've done it professionally for twenty years and I've always done well at it.

But I've taught her enough to understand that I am the only absolute in the mix---I always do my best to preserve and grow fresh opportunities. She trusts me and has long accepted that there are no guarantees.

I don't understand why a lot of men see fit to protect their wives as though they have the mentality of a child and are therefore fragile. Life is better when we are upfront and open, as a rule. And I don't want to be a martyr, carrying the whole load while locking her out of the process altogether.

My opinion, for what it may or may not be worth.