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12/05/14 7:49 PM

#26159 RE: Snirre #26158

I 'm not sure 'alive 'is the operative word,it is still listed and as long as they keep their filings up,it will be.But failure to file will swiftly bring a 'cease trading'order.

Why there are no lawsuits is probably because to start with lawsuits cost money and even if you got a judgement,collecting it is another matter.Besides,this isn't untypical of the Vancouver Penny Mining stock shell game,it's how many of them operate,management puts out Huge News ,pumps the stock and the naive and the foolish swallow it ,eagerly exchanging their dollars for paper,convinced they have found the road to riches....but what's REALLY funny is how they denounce anybody who sees through it and demands accountability...

Chances are Fifer and friends who profited at our expense either spent the money or have the cash stashed beyond reach of disgruntled shareholders.This game is over-want to sit down and anti up for the next round?

Go on,tell me I'm wrong...better yet,prove it