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12/05/14 11:05 AM

#29721 RE: rickn23 #29720

Well, at least all the stuff Lee says POW has been doing for a long, long time still seem to be on the table. And he keeps using the word "major" to describe the projects. But somehow (and this could be my disillusion talking) I just don't feel convinced that this stuff is going to happen any time soon, or that they will get us the kind of attention, investing and share price appreciation that we've long hoped for. I mean the "Purveyors of Wonder" pitch and all that typically follows it have been identical for so long and doesn't seem to have a life that convinces me any more.

And I'm very worried that if Disney backs out and no longer largely pays POW's bills, we're going to drown in dilution.

Sorry to be a downer. I got out of this a while back and the SP has declined even more since then.

I never thought POW would see the .01s again. I might for shts and giggles buy $500 worth at these levels, in the off chance that any of these so-called major projects pan out, but I won't spend one penny more.

Stan is a legend from his Marvel days, and I still get a lot of pleasure from the characters and stories that he was a part of (I'll always be a comic book devotee); but he's lousy at the business on his own.

And Gil Champion? I don't even know what he is. Except that I'm beginning to wonder if he himself isn't a superhero with the power of unlimited inertia.

Take care