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12/05/14 11:25 AM

#29722 RE: GreenMan #29721

Normally, at this point I would be more of a downer than you. But....

I think things are on the cusp of happening. And, I hope I'm not appearing overenthusiastic, because I sure am not buying shares right now.

I don't put much stock in what Stan Lee says, especially when it comes to POW! stuff. I watch what POW's partners say. It looks like most of the movies are being held up, maybe no one wants to go first. I think if one company actually starts shooting a movie, others will follow.

I think either Sony "Apollo Rising" or Graphic India "Chakra:The Invincible" will probably start first, unless Magic Storm "The Annihilator" has started already. i've been reading about some of the leaked (hacked) stuff about Sony and they really want to increase their movie business. I liked the animated "Chakra" movie and it seemed to get good viewership through ToonsTV. A movie should be made quickly while it's still fresh.

I would also not count Disney out, from making "Zodiac" movies.

As for cash flow. I think Disney will still kick in at least $1.25 million for Stan's continual "consulting". Although I hope they adjust it upwards for inflation. I also hope that a new first look deal will be announce at the end of 2014, or beginning 2015. But, it also looks like "Mighty 7" will be kicking in some serious cash flow in the next year or two, especially if they get it sold into an additional 38 places in 2015 and ever come out with the other two movies. If, they have over 50 broadcasters, and if, they have all three movies out for 2015, POW! might get around $3 million from it. I doubt they will get the other two movies out next year, though.

I think we'll find out if POW! will have a cash crunch by January.

I forgot to add. I'm keeping an eye on Eric Mika's LinkIn page. It says he is still CEO of Magic Storm, so I assume "The Annihilator" is still in the works.