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12/03/14 12:19 PM

#19082 RE: cpw13154 #19081

Agree! LTNC looks Great and the Improved Revenues Says the Future is quite Bright!



12/03/14 12:36 PM

#19084 RE: cpw13154 #19081



whats the great news that by adding 20% revenue from adding 15 venues?

Gee... What's going on here???

It's not like we haven't had this discussion, oh, I don't know a hundred times this year?

The 15 venues are for the most part all start-up branches that have yet to establish a broad client base and are not considered mature branches. DUH!


That revenue in November is down $700,000 from the previous month. They stated for the 4 week period of October revenue was over 2.3 million yet November is down to 1.6 million.

That statement is inaccurate. Additionally, we cannot micro-manage this company on a month to month basis since their industry is cyclical and we are now in their slowest quarter of the year.

I mean for that, why not see what they are doing on a week to week basis so we can figure out a down week and go scream the sky is falling?

I'm sure everyone would agree that the best way to judge this company is by looking at the overall picture collectively and not try to figure out the only way to take their record revenues and display them as a negative.


12/03/14 12:48 PM

#19087 RE: cpw13154 #19081

Glad to see you agree that my post showng that indeed the news today WAS HORRIBLE seeing how thats what I stated and you made a point to say you agreed with me tells us you too think it was horrible news.