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11/29/14 7:29 PM

#100274 RE: FadeMeToWin #100273

well, unless federal charges are filed, i guess we will never know what the "truth" is. when the prosecution is the one controlling the information in front of the grand jury and are part of the same law enforcement team there as the defendant, why don't you tell us how many times that "leaks" and repetitious demonizing statements that criminalized the victim occurred, while your FOX outfit was reporting that the cop had a broken eye socket, etc, all lies.... as always, you fall for the con line, like an obedient sheep.

The prosecution needed to speak for the dead victim, instead,they made a farce of it by protecting the cop at every turn. The standard was probable cause, not conviction of guilt, and the rules of evidence are different between the two, but that is probably too complex for you. I don't know what the "truth" is any more than you do, but that doesn't stop you from jacking your jaws in the least.

and certainly, finding articles that support your confirmation bias is in this case pretty lame.

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11/29/14 8:28 PM

#100276 RE: FadeMeToWin #100273

Oh? so I too missed that. What did they say the reason was
for shooting another unarmed man? .. please don't tell me he was a

ah .. afraid? was he?

We know he wasn't by the car when shot.. he was I can't remember now but NOT close and
threatening so what did they say he killed a man who wasn't even armed for? ..He stuck his tongue out at him? bet that's it.

I did hear how police officers imagination took off. WOW! The HULK man. .the real HULK was after him ...LOLOLOL . .AND best yet, The cops says "The Hulk was walking right through the bullets!" .. omg! .. .. Bullets walking through Mike never occurred to him. He went all delusional in the moment. It's a good thing he's leaving. He needs a change of scenery and so does Ferguson.

I always like to hear these reasons why it's o.k. to shoot an unarmed person. Sounds just like a 'Stand your Ground Law" .. .If you're a White boy and you get scared that means You can shoot them with impunity. NOPE! they don't even have to have a weapon on them .. lololol ... oh ohh hhh poor skeered white boys really getting all pussified now...HELP HELP! .. he's a lookin at me! .. ;) next, those poor babies won't be able to sleep . .UH OH! .. then to the docs office ... lmao! Oh it's gonna get funnier until it gets better.

Now, what's this? ..Or it could take 9 people with balls to call it like the evidence defined it and do the right thing. Funny how nobody wants to talk about the multiple black witnesses that support the cops account of the event. but who gives a shit about the truth right? that does not fit the spin..........

Oh!... Be happy now!!! ... Hate causes Misery and you're sounding full of hate and miserable ... .. HATE = MISERY!
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12/02/14 8:52 AM

#100307 RE: FadeMeToWin #100273

Yeah isn't it funny people can't accept the evidence, guess they wont be happy until someone is lynched or maybe not until they can get some more free stuff by rioting. I get these people love Sharpton!
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12/02/14 8:58 AM

#100309 RE: FadeMeToWin #100273

Black Sheriff Skewers ‘S.O.B.’ Eric Holder and Groups That Infiltrated Ferguson, ‘Like Vultures on a Roadside Carcass’

Milwaukee Country Sheriff David Clarke, who happens to be black, lambasted Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, the first sitting attorney general in U.S. history to be held in contempt of Congress, and professional race hustler and racial grievance profiteer, Al Sharpton, for their exploitation of the unfortunate situation in Ferguson, MO.

“Someone mentioned Eric Holder. I’m known for not sugar-coating things. This pissed me off,” Sheriff Clarke said in the beginning of his address the National Press Club this month regarding Ferguson.


“I sat up and watched, as events unfolded in Ferguson, Missouri–unfortunate situation, obviously. Anytime a law enforcement officer uses force that takes a life, it deserves a thorough, transparent vetting–investigation. We all agree with that” he said. “But then some groups began to converge on the small town of Ferguson, Missouri, like vultures on a roadside carcass,” a disgusted Clarke told the audience, specifically calling out communist front groups like the New Black Panthers, and “people like Al Sharpton.”

“To come and exploit that situation, and instead of coming into help and restore calm, poured gas on that fire with some of their inflammatory and irresponsible rhetoric,” Clarke charged, referring to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon and Senator Claire McCaskill, both Democrats, who he said “threw law enforcement under the bus for political expediency,” and are the same politicians who come around to beg support from law enforcement at election time.

“I expected that from Governor Nixon. I expected that from Claire McCaskell. Those are nothing but two-bit politicians…but I did not expect that from Eric Holder, who calls himself a law enforcement officer,” Sheriff Clarke, who is also known as being a strong supporter of the Second Amendment said, obviously disappointed.

Clarke then slammed Holder’s statement in which he publicly claimed during the Ferguson uproar that he himself had been racially profiled by police, once while serving as a federal prosecutor.

“Wait a minute,” Sheriff Clarke began in response to Holder’s claim of being racially profiled. “Mr. Attorney General, if you felt those officers had violated your Fourth Amendment, and you’re a federal prosecutor, and you didn’t say anything at the time? On behalf of everybody in the United States, you could have done something if you felt that. You could have made a complaint–because all of us kind of realize in law enforcement, right, we testify–what do they say in court? If you didn’t write it down, if you didn’t report it, it didn’t happen.”

Sheriff Clarke continued to question the believability of Holder’s claim:

“Really, Mr. Attorney General? You didn’t report it then. You didn’t write it down. But you’re telling us some 10-15 years later for self-serving purposes. I thought, ‘Why did you do that?’” Clarke asked. You insulted every law enforcement officer, every man and woman who puts on that badge and uniform everyday, risks their lives in service to their community,” he charged.

“And I thought, ‘How could you do that?’ Who cares about what happened to you? What about the people of Ferguson, Missouri right now? Who cares about you, Eric Holder?” But he did that for self-serving purposes.”

“This man [Holder] sat up there and kind up insinuated that these law enforcement officers go out with some nefarious and malicious intent in their heart, to deny people their rights, and to indiscriminately shoot and take people’s lives for nothing. And I was incensed by that.”

Sheriff Clarke contended that Holder owes an apology to every man or woman who serves in law enforcement and urged them to confront Holder when they see him about whether he’s ready to apologize.

Clarke referred to Holder, who in his position is the “top cop in the nation,” as an “S.O.B.” for his forked tongue in referring to officers as “serving admirably” while almost simultaneously accusing them of being racists.

“Remember that the next time this guy [Holder] comes to town,” the Sheriff urged to his fellow law enforcement officers. “Because he’s on a mission"