Ronn Motor Group once publicly trade as RNNM. The company was all talk and no action. At one time they manufactured some car out of Texas (the Scorpion), but by 2010 they were flat broke and never manufactured anything again going out of business unable to even pay their lease any more.
RNNM reverse split and changed control and became Vydrotech Inc (VYDR).
Why is it even considered a good thing if NSEH is doing press releases about some forward looking business plans with a company, Ronn Motors, that has been out of business since 2011?
As far as I can tell Michael Shores has never had anything to do with the old Ronn Motors company.
He is a stock trader though that once merged another company he created called Texas Prototypes Inc into Stock Market Solutions, Inc. (SMKT) in 2005 which then became TXP Corp (TXPO). TXPO got suspended and revoked by the SEC in 2012.
And yes I know that Kevin Yates called that press release fake, but Yates had already done a press release about the Ronn Motors stuff earlier in November and tweeted about it earlier in November too while the stock was being pumped for Stephen Hicks to dump shares into the market
I really can't believe, but not surprised admin keeps putting pro n-t-ek pumpers in as mods. And these members directly attack opposite n-t-ek sentiment members when they post.