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11/23/14 4:29 PM

#34232 RE: Darth Trader #34228

The answers (in parents) are BRILLIANT!

WE fully get it - as your loyalty as a FAN with MW.

BUT as shareholders, we need certain basic information and WAY BEFORE the boot brothers ever existed and LOANED OUR company $250,000 / MW NEVER released financials or had a shareholders meeting.

NOW that we find out that MW and RW never even paid the very FIRST interest payment as the agreements clearly state, and that IFUS GUARANTEED the boot brothers LOAN of $250,000, we shareholders need the basic information even more!

WE shareholders even acknowledge the lies, slander and malice AGAINST the boot brothers as fully coordinated by MW and RW is the ONLY alternative that MW can take - as OUR Company is clearly in DEFAULT of the LOAN documents as fully signed by MW. (Not a forgery)

WE shareholders even acknowledge the DELAYS and GAG order as coordinated by MW is the ONLY alternative that MW can take - as the very last thing MW and RW wants is a court trial and the guilty verdict.

What WE shareholders do NOT understand, is why MW can not convince just ONE of his dedicated and loyal fans to join MW as a Board member and officer of OUR Company.

WE SHAREHOLDERS are quite nervous and concerned of a SOLE officer and DIRECTOR of IFUS - having NO-ONE for MW to answer to or set governance ethics to PROTECT ALL SHAREHOLDERS. Certainly MW and RW can convince several of their dedicated and LOYAL fans to join MW - BUT so far, ALL have turned MW down as to the massive LIABILITIES.

MW needs a FAN to "step up" and join him as an officer, director and CHECK SIGNER.

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all that jazz

11/23/14 4:35 PM

#34234 RE: Darth Trader #34228

NOW we hear MW is helping out a friend!

BY living in his friends house

BY giving MW's friend a sweetheart deal for OUR black gold (soil) - some would say MW's is using corporate assets for MW's own benefits

BY taking a job with his friend so to transfer assets from OUR company to MW
BY "on and on"

Can you imagine, if OUR SHAREHOLDERS were friends of MW?

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all that jazz

11/23/14 4:44 PM

#34235 RE: Darth Trader #34228

The answers (in parents) are BRILLIANT!

WE fully get it - as your loyalty as a FAN with MW.

BUT as shareholders, we need certain basic information and WAY BEFORE the boot brothers ever existed and LOANED OUR company $250,000 / MW NEVER released financials or had a shareholders meeting.

NOW that we find out that MW and RW never even paid the very FIRST interest payment as the agreements clearly state, and that IFUS GUARANTEED the boot brothers LOAN of $250,000, we shareholders need the basic information even more!

WE shareholders even acknowledge the lies, slander and malice AGAINST the boot brothers by MW and RW is the ONLY alternative that MW can take - as OUR Company is clearly in DEFAULT of the LOAN documents as fully signed by MW. (Not a forgery)

WE shareholders even acknowledge the DELAYS and GAG order as coordinated by MW is the ONLY alternative that MW can take - as the very last thing MW and RW wants is a court trial and the guilty verdict.

What WE shareholders do NOT understand, is why MW can not convince just ONE of his dedicated and loyal fans to join MW as a Board member and officer of OUR Company.

WE SHAREHOLDERS are quite nervous and concerned of a SOLE officer and DIRECTOR of IFUS - having NO-ONE for MW to answer to or set governance ethics to PROTECT ALL SHAREHOLDERS. Certainly MW and RW can convince several of their dedicated and LOYAL fans to join MW - BUT so far, ALL have turned MW down as to the massive LIABILITIES.

MW needs a FAN to "step up" and join him as an officer, director and CHECK SIGNER.

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11/23/14 5:16 PM

#34238 RE: Darth Trader #34228

Those answers ring hollow.

First, according to my in box, a number of shareholders are concerned. Some are concerned enough to have gotten out already. I believe those who haven't, will soon wish they had.

1) Its MW's 20 year track record of moral bankruptcy that is most troubling.

2) The patent abandonment matters a great deal. Now anyone can mimick, duplicate and market any of the products.

3) No, the priority for shareholders is the financials. That's what sound investors make decisions on; the financials. Besides, why would MW release them after the court case when he didn't release them in any of the 5 years before the court case.

4) What an outrageous rumor! MW/RW have never had a shareholder meeting in any of the many scams they've been involved with. There is nothing in the backgrounds of either of them that shows anything but complete disregard for shareholders.

5) MW keeps all control to himself. Its the classic case of the Fox guarding the HenHouse. Except, he has messed up this time. His uncontrollable hubris and con artist mentality has put him in a box he is totally unaware of; and one from which he cannot escape. And, most shareholders do NOT believe in MW. Those who control the Preferred shares might, because MW has put them in the same mess he is in, but most common shareholders do not believe in MW one little bit.

6) You should read the Articles of Incorporation. MW has absolute voting control via the super voting powered preferred shares.

7) It will be shown in court that MW, probably RW also and possibly SonnyBoy Shill have embezzled and commingled. No argument! This is 100%, absolute, verifiable beyond the shadow of a doubt fact.

8) MW represents himself as CEO of Arabie Trucking.

9) That's nonsense.

10) That's laughable. No more than the paranoid ramblings of the sociopathic liar, MW.

11) Wrong again. As shown by Gold Icon, 3 of the 4 delays in the case have been filed by MW. Just review the court docket.

Shareholders are far from in the money. 100s of thousands in judgments already against IFUS and 100s of thousands more to come.

1 Re: Bankruptcy (it happens to the best of us)

> 2 that MW voluntarily ABANDONED the patent and trade secrets, after years of costs and tremendous efforts (doesn't matter, the formulas are still proprietary)

> 3 that MW will not release financials for OVER 5 years (not concerned. Priority is to finish the case)

> 4 that MW will not set a shareholders meeting for OVER 5 years (word is he will after the case is settled)

> 5 that MW is the SOLE officer and director - answers to NO-ONE (because we believe in him....not JS or SA)

> 6 that MW issued super power preferred shares to HIMSELF to control OUR company - and makes the common shareholders vote worthless (scare tactic at best with no truth)

> 7 that MW takes assets of our company for his own personal gains (already argued and found to be a lie)

> 8 that MW has taken another job (he helped out a friend, get the story straight, that as it turns out has helped the company)

> 9 that MW has been the SOLE check signer for OVER 5 years (yes but, JS cashed one he stole)

> 10 that MW coordinates lies, slander and malice against the boot brothers and others - AGAIN exposing our company to massive liabilities and lawsuits. (hmmmm, it appears to me the boot brothers broke the law and are the ones who made the slanderous phone calls, sent slanderous emails to vendors, clients and distributors.... All documented)

> 11 that MW delays the court to the maximum and filed a gag order so as ALL shareholders will never see the financials of OUR Company (already proven and posted differently. Boot boys filed the fear of jail)

> BYE, BYE, miss AMERICAN PIE!!! (More like "we're in the money)