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11/23/14 2:29 PM

#15504 RE: StaleyCornell #15503

I bet your correct!


11/23/14 6:28 PM

#15505 RE: StaleyCornell #15503

I bet we get that CE off this week. I was hoping that the past two years would be filed and uploaded as they came in to the OTC, but perhaps they are simply waiting for this year's financials as well so they can all be uploaded at once and the CE removed. JO said in an email last week that the third quarter financials were given in on Monday (Nov 17). If attorneys need a few days and the OTC a few days to upload them, the time is right for this week. I know that hoping for it doesn't make it true, but we are so close now. And given what we have coming down the pipeline, our SP is going to going to easily pull a DNN_C or GLG*

Long, strong and holding on!