"NO Patience.."?? Are you kidding?, The longs in DEWM, such as myself (here since Jan) have exhibited extraordinary patience. Probably to the point of it being a 'flaw'. I'm certain that Marco has done and will continue to do great and exciting things towards the future success of DEWM but frankly he doesn't give a shit about you or me...'the investors'. It would have taken very little effort IMO to have anyone from his staff say..Anything! I have stated in the past that I believed that his silence 'smacked of legal non-disclosure agreement", but hearing from 'panicked and worried investors (many of them, I'm sure) and seeing first hand the effect of complete silence from DEWM on the pps and making no effort of even placate his devote followers is ridiculous. Oh,well, He said, repeatedly that Fins (etc!?) will be out by end of year so we continue to be PATIENT and I for one have confidence that the wait ill be worth it.
Have a great weekend. DEE