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11/20/14 3:05 AM

#155210 RE: nonotme #155207

On the other hand, if DRNE went to $10/ share (ie, WSGI likely at $0.10), WSGI would have been at $1/share if it had kept LTAS in-house with direct funding. 50X (sold to DRNE) vs 500X (kept in-house) gain. ie. for every $1K invested at today's price, you get $50K vs $500K, only a $450K difference per $1K invested. So I don't know what your definition of brilliance is?

Plus if kept in WSGI, every unit sold would go directly to boost the balance sheets, not like shares, where if you sell the shares for $$, you lose any future benefits from it.

Right now, rather than $1 (the supposed share price silly Glenn agreed to), it sits at $0.3 with likely more and more dilution (imo DRNE runs a "convert series A-C preferred for shares, pump, and dump scheme"). Why wouldn't they spend on ads... they are selling part of the massive numbers of shares they got for almost nothing, and selling for real dough.. like a money printing press over there!! Would be brilliant on their part if it weren't so sinister. If no SIGNIFICANT orders on the horizon, and DRNE continues its imo, current modus operendi of dilution, pump and dump, DRNE shares would probably be at $0.1 or likely less soon.

IMO both Felicia and Glen are likely currently just puppets for their money-bag masters. Deeply compromised "drones", and not quite independent thinkers acting on behalf of shareholders, IMO. Sad, but it is my reading of all that have occurred.


11/20/14 1:33 PM

#155211 RE: nonotme #155207

That's right nonotome, i am buying!

And you?


11/20/14 9:20 PM

#155214 RE: nonotme #155207

If Drne shares go up to $10 per share we will be looking at $100,000,000 for the Co.

First: ROFLMAO!!!

Second: How much sustainment equipment do you think DRNE will have to sell to achieve that $10 per share?

Third: Please see my post for references to "pigs flying in the stratosphere" and "pooping rainbows".


Lastly: Still ROFLMAO!!!