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11/17/14 6:35 PM

#5588 RE: dangerx #5587

Nope I sold out in the mid .03's as I said in previous posts. NGHT had a lousy quarter as I said and quite frankly has significant issues, a bad balance sheet, a problematic GM picture, and I seriously question whether they will even be profit for the year as I said.

The thing to take from my post really is when holes get put in my investment thesis, I sell out and take the loss. It is about mitigate your losing investment, and letting your winners run, the stock market is no place for pride or failure not to admit you made a mistake. Because that is what will actually doom you to failure. I have plenty of losers and guess what I will have plenty more, but it is all about building a diversified portfolio sticking with a stock until it either hit FV or the story chhanges and moving onto the next. Because at the end of the day I'm not marrying any stock, the only reason I became a stock holder is well I want to make money. And if I feel that a stock may not be able to do that anymore I have no reason to hold on to it. That is the best advice I can give anyone in fact it was the advice I was given when I was learning the ropes when I wa s17 unfortunetly it took me some mistakes before I learnt my lesson. I do wish all NGHT shareholder the best of luck, but I don't think the stock was worth holding onto in the mid .03 after the report hence I sold. Good luck to you. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.