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11/11/14 6:48 PM

#239720 RE: zen 88 #239717

Zen: I understand your animus towards me, but you are mistaken about some of the things you have said. I don't just have one point and keep hitting it.

All along, when you and the rest of the supporters were denying the truth about SKS's mgt, the nepotism, deliberate misstatements, etc. I was pointing out all the reasons why he was not the right fellow for the job. Yes, I mocked and made fun of your side plenty--I thought you deserved it for cheering SKS while he picked your pockets and filled his.

Maybe you didn't read the rest of my post to Barge about Solms doing the best he can with what little SKS left him. It is not a monochrome negative rant at all.

I thank you for acknowledging I was right about SKS. I think anger and maybe group-think may cloud your judgement about me. That's fine, you have the right to disagree and to find me disagreeable.

But the last few posts to me have been so angry, I feel we can not have a civil conversation about where Wave is, and its likely future. I'm willing, but doubt you are.

We are both here because we care about Wave. I was not just slamming Steven, I was asking for professional mgt, because it was obvious that was not happening under Steven/Feeney.

My last post to Barge was in response to his repeated defense of Steven, which you disagree with, too.

Please understand this, if nothing else. My view of Wave has been negative because of how shareholders, including yourself, were treated--even if you didn't realize it at the time.

You might just want to entertain the thought, why was I so right about Steven and you were so wrong? Not trying in any way to rub it in, but trying to help you going forward.

Yes, Solms said he could hit break-even in Q4--and I am sure he meant it. But saying it and doing it are completely different.

You saw the Q3 report--what was there in that, that gave you encouragement? Nothing was improving. Didn't you take stupendous losses by believing Steven? I do not think Solms is anywhere near what Steven was, but after losing so much, I would be doubly cautious about giving my trust blindly to someone else--even someone who seems to be as upright at Bill Solms.

However, he does not have much to work with. In more than a year with Wave, first as VP Sales and then as CEO--there is not one significant sale. Not his fault, IMO.

His goal may be to reach B/E, but how is he going to accomplish that without selling product?

Let's drop the anger and the name-calling and try to figure out if shareholders have any chance at all. I know you are heavily invested and I am sure my posts calling attention to the missteps and lack of sales are irritating in the extreme. But, like it or not,it is true and I have not made things up.

Please don't confuse the message with the messenger--which is what I think you are doing. I did not cause Wave's predicament, I merely predicted it, based on what I saw. You were swallowing a load of lies from the former CEO and you based your investment decisions on that. I understand that.

Speaking of lies, there have been many told about me, in an effort to discredit me--yet, my record I believe, shows a pretty high rate of accuracy--not claiming infallibility, but still, had you listened to what the critics were saying, you may have saved yourself some money.

I truly wish you the best and that Wave will somehow pull this stinking carcass out of the fire and return money to shareholders who have loyally supported the company for more than a decade.

Best wishes--Blue P.S. I could not answer your PM.


11/11/14 8:49 PM

#239725 RE: zen 88 #239717

The best post EVER. Let the truth be told.