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11/09/14 1:31 PM

#38149 RE: ggwpq #38148

That's great but who pays for those studies. They may have to dilute just to continue reduce it. They would need to sign a serious big time partner to fund any combo studies. They are not dealing in a position of strength and they would most likely have to give awY most of the farm sales wise if any of those drugs made it to market.


11/09/14 2:18 PM

#38151 RE: ggwpq #38148

Vascepa and statins

Here is that combo graph you are looking for (I think). One of my personal favorites. :-)


11/09/14 7:03 PM

#38154 RE: ggwpq #38148

ggwpq re combo's

What many overlook is that with Vascepa its 2 gm in the am and 2 gms at night .
With Statins ...they are most effective if they are taken at night ..and prescribed that way

Size wise ..probably only Crestor and Vascepa make sense , if they were to try a combo. Crestor is a small pill Lipitor is a large pill -- in max dose versions of both

Lipitor is now generic , Crestor about to be . Crestor is AZN and they now own Epanova ( Omthera ) . Epanova's whole marketing pitch seems to be that 2gms of Epanova is as good as 4 gms of anything else due to enhanced bioavailability .
So they could do a combo pill of 2 gms of Epanova combined with Crestor ...taken at night ...all, already owned by AZN .
That's probably where they are going .

So we need to see if Amarins patents can prevent Epanova from launching ...or if they ( AZN ) are forced to deal with Amarin.
Amarins mgt don't seem to phased about Epanova launching ( per recent CC ) which I think is total BS ...and some what of a concern.

IMHO we are about to see a test of our patents and hopefully Biobill will provide the ring side ,blow by blow ,account .
