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11/07/14 9:51 AM

#247287 RE: GreenMan #247283

Great post.


11/07/14 10:03 AM

#247289 RE: GreenMan #247283

How do you know it is dilution? How do you know it isn't private investors buying restricted shares? We all know several have done this. So what makes you think that isn't what is going on? Just a thought.


11/07/14 10:23 AM

#247294 RE: GreenMan #247283

I sent them an email.


11/07/14 10:28 AM

#247298 RE: GreenMan #247283

"So the question is: will NTEK leadership continue diluting and hurt we the investors who stuck with you from the beginning, assuming that after the rubble is cleared you'll have a new set of investors?"

Ah yes... the central question asked of all penny stock scams by their faithful longs. And the answer is always "Yes! We live to dilute! It's free money, straight from your pockets!" These people care about nothing but themselves. It's like a seal asking a shark for mercy. The shark doesn't even speak seal. It doesn't care about the seal's family. Seals are food.

After the rubble, I suggest you seek disgorgement from the Foley clan. Should be a no-brainer. Although the Foleys are masters of stalling (and wasting our tax dollars in doing so), so it could take awhile.

Good luck to you.


11/07/14 11:22 AM

#247314 RE: GreenMan #247283

That's quite silly, to politely implore scammers to stop scamming.

We are people who look hard to find good companies with leaders of integrity

Suggest you look harder. The multiple fraud convictions didn't come up during your search?

Most people would consider that a red flag on the old "integrity" front.


11/07/14 12:16 PM

#247336 RE: GreenMan #247283

Greenman...I empathize with what your saying but I'm of the opinion that NTEK has been making some pretty good moves in a blazing amount of time and we should give them the benefit of the doubt with respect to what they are doing with the shares.

Mind you...there is plenty I'm not happy about but feel that I'm willing to try and overlook some of the negatives and focus more on the positive and see if they'll prove me wrong in the end.

If we see all sorts of "no name" or mystery entities or sham middlemen receiving the shares they've been distributing lately in their upcoming filings which might indicate some kind of arrangement where profits are siphoned off before they ever make it to NTEK's net profit side of the ledger instead of seeing legitimate and well known companies, then I'll likely be on the side of not wanting to give them the benefit of the doubt. imo


11/07/14 9:48 PM

#247463 RE: GreenMan #247283

We are not nobodies in a trading venue that no one respects.

Who's we? Not I, because whomever the we you speak of is, is exactly that description to the foley clan.

Or will you respect us and our legitimate concerns.

I sincerely wish NTEK phenomenal success, but I also hope you listen to us.

Again, who's us? You speak for NO ONE but yourself.