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11/02/14 7:14 AM

#155080 RE: turbodog #155078

Good point Turbo, so what would constitute a company being a "proven" scam rather than a plain old every day south Florida scam corporation ? Would a class action lawsuit do it ? How about its leadership being convicted and imprisoned for investor fraud ? Or it's agents being listed in the " little black book of scams" in Australia ? Or maybe a decade of name changes ? Or maybe dozens of lawsuits and subsequent judgements for not paying its bills while awarding themselves fat paychecks and performance bonuses ? How about share dilution the likes of which only scam corps do ? I could go on and on but I think Cole is right. It's not just a scam , it's a PROVEN scam. If you've got something up your sleeve to argue with him by all means throw it out here I'd love to see it.