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Darth Trader

10/31/14 4:18 PM

#33597 RE: PEACHMAN #33589

That's pretty sad, but reminds me of what Lincoln said at Gettysburg. "The war is not just the enemy in front of me, but the "friends" behind me," referring to the bankers, who wanted 34% interest for the country to borrow for the war AND control of the country's money supply!

Sounds a little familiar here...

all that jazz

10/31/14 4:28 PM

#33598 RE: PEACHMAN #33589

> LETS DO IT - NOVEMBER 29, 2014 / 10 AM at the plant!

> WHEN - MW took over IFUS in 2009 and ran up the shares on pure hype and bogus information - OUR SHARE PRICE WAS OVER $0.10 per share!
> MORE important, OUR Company has had NO NET INCOME since 2009 / PLUS NOW OUR Company has EXISTING JUDGEMENTS, creditors and LAWSUITS - as MW created these negatives AGAINST OUR COMPANY - all under the total and absolute CONTROL of MW and RW for OVER 5 years!
> SO MW and RW mission and goal with IFUS is DIVERSION to lies, slander and malice for anyone that disagrees with them!!! AND MW MUST KEEP DELAYING COURT CASES so as the day of reckoning is postponed and DELAYED!