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10/30/14 10:39 AM

#239382 RE: wavedreamer #239381

hi dreamer,

wave has a product in the marketplace called vsc. it's for sale right now. nothing restraining folks from buying it. including government departments (note that there's one government purchase already).

you might want to look it up sometime.


10/30/14 12:26 PM

#239389 RE: wavedreamer #239381

"I'll feed you the stuff that helps to give guidance on what is happening in impeding or helping Wave's cause in selling products."


funny to hear you lecturing anyone on obstacles to progress!!! and timelines!!!!!!!

you will tell us what's going on inside the TCG mouse-wheel forever. but it won't tell us much about current demand for wave's products which is expressed in the income statement.

i listen to solms for wave's new product releases. i kinda studiously ignore the prescience of wave supply siders. sorry, but it is better that you know this rather than think you have a disciple.

i am mostly interested in the products wave has for sale at any point in time. and the cash that flows from them. dull. but it is a good deal of what investing is about.