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10/25/14 12:12 AM

#179549 RE: The_Free_Nebula #179542

I take it from your post that you have seen many a scam in penny land, and as a result are very skeptical. I can understand this position because I have little trust in the system myself. This said, Mr. Starrs seems to me a person trying to be transparent as best as he can. The comments he and his team have made regarding the filing have been worded using terms like "expected" "should be" and so forth. Personally, I would not call those promises. I would say they were commenting and offering a best guess based on the information available at the time. Was this the best way to handle? Maybe, maybe not. Depends on ones point of view.

You make a fair assessment TFN. I always appreciate another perspective as long as it is an honest one. Even if it is not what I like to hear.

Good luck.