I didn't get that impression - especially since we all know tim sykes and his antics and we have had many discussions about the Wolf of Weed Street here as well.
I found the article to be a brilliant capture of both their personalities.
Perhaps the article seemed swayed more one way was Sykes has a little more substance and a hell of a lot more experience - whether you love him or hate him.
Actually I did think the headline: Buying High: How to Get Rich on Pot Stocks
should have read: Buying High: How NOT to Get Rich on Pot Stocks
I didnt come away with that at all, in fact the closing para sums it up nicely:
I think it portrayed both morons quite well as to their behavior and in the end when face to face the bigger ego won out simply because his success wasnt all luck where as the other was more of the right place at the right time with a "catchy" twitter handle.
One cant argue that Tim has indeed had success, although I do believe he overstates his success in certain positions. He is a salesman in the end and exaggeration is just one of his many tools at times.