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Toxic Avenger

10/24/14 11:39 AM

#16479 RE: OBhands #16478

LOL, actually Pink said Monk was an investor. Actually he was caught and punished running a scam using PNTV among others.
There's no more naked shorting now than there was when Monk was dumping shares to everyone he was telling "lock da float" to screw the "naked shorts".
And if anyone could counterfeit shares in PNTV whenever they wanted, nothing would force them to cover. If there was anyway to prove they were selling shares that didn't exist, they'd have been caught. And if not, ain't no need to cover. ;-)
Shares are ALWAYS accounted for. That's the T/A's job. You think someone can just call up their broker and say "I have a cert for 100k shares of PNTV, sell them for me. I'll send it to you once you sell"?

Naked shorting is myth designed to get people to buy shares in a worthless company in the hopes that someone is shorting the shares without anyone knowing AND they'll suddenly be discovered AND instead of prison or a fine, they'll be told "You have to cover your position no matter what the cost". ROFLMAO.