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10/23/14 1:17 AM

#36811 RE: RichGranville #36804


your response that you work more than full time with YIPI will be archived

you'll have explaining to do to your YIPI stockholders in the future

More than full time.

Sure, I have other ventures. I've invested in a few start-ups, crowd funding projects, mentored young companies with great ideas and I own a domain business on the side for the last 17 years were I buy/sell high value domains, but all of these are more like hobbies than work.

I'm working right now... 11pm ET. Did you have a point in this line of questioning?


10/23/14 1:30 AM

#36815 RE: RichGranville #36804

actually, no

you are NOT working right now

you are posting on a message board

if you consider this work then the YIPI stockholders have a big time problem

I'm working right now... 11pm ET. Did you have a point in this line of questioning?


10/23/14 11:48 AM

#36828 RE: RichGranville #36804

What is your opinion on the proposals of Regulation Crowdfunding that appears to be stalled at the SEC? Do you think Reg Crowdfunding will get buried by the commission? Or will people still hope that Reg Crowdfunding will grandfather in the fraud that was perpetrated by solicitors prior to the Rules going final?