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10/22/14 10:01 PM

#102626 RE: Steady_T #102625

I actually am very curious as to what type(s) of molecules they are using to get their ligands built. Could be protein/amino acid based, could be DNA based (have seen descriptions of both types of molecules used to make aptamers or 3-D constructs)

Or they could be having their ligands built out of something more exotic that I haven't heard about as much, or built out of combinaton of different macromolecule types. It is a fairly rapidly developing area outside of the areas I typically follow closely.

But protein synthesis made to order is actually getting to be fairly technically simple, and DNA molecule syntheis made to order has been common for more than 25 years, and has gotten really cheap and high quality. I do PCR-based assays regularly and they require short PCR (single-stranded DNA) primers made to order to work. Can get made to order PCR primers for ~$5 each with enough product to do thousands of reactions.

The part that is probably the most technically difficult is actually designing the 3-D ligands - but that's all gotta be IP and software driven with some fairly high-end computers to handle the computations.

It's all very cool.