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TMMI Believer

10/22/14 11:00 AM

#11993 RE: Frackedup #11992


I have to say you amaze me how you continue this relentless attack on TMMI even being the share holder you say you are with what i deem are false statements.

You called me a liar about the patent office ! I proved you so wrong ,when i provided a step by step process to the group !! Yes provided by a live person to see the patent challenge you failed to share this with us but all you would do was dare us to call as if we would not !I guess you did not want us to see the patent challenge.I guess this does not concern you

Secondly the same thing applies to Raytheon. Well you said you spoke with the director of IR .Well i will call you on that also as i did call and found out a completely different story.

So how i see this is two side I being TMMI can happily say I sleep really well at night knowing the facts behind what i write and post,and i guess you pro Dementia group say you are truthful with what you post.
All i can say is when this all plays out in the end then the reality of who has been truthful will be very clear.

PS did anyone Google the Dr who wrote the paper for TMMI patent challenge ,where he arguers the entire thirty some lines of what the Patent says all dealing with Prior Art.

Guess what i did ,and here is just a snip it .

Samsung on April 21 launched its own infringement suit against Apple. Dan Schonfeld, a professor of computer science at the University of Illinois at Chicago, testified that Apple infringed the '239 patent in its iPhone through the use of FaceTime and a feature for attaching video to messages and mail.

This guy was expert witness for Samsung in the Apple Samsung tech trial of this decade!.

Is Dementia going to pull out one of the Apple witnesses to challenge Dr Dan Schonfeld ???

You would have to know your stuff to be involved with this.Hmm Hurd Elton compared to this guy are probably realizing just what they are involved with know in the tech world

PS you spend way to much of your time here on this board.Must be nice to have that free time.

I agreee with what has been written about some past shorts.But even they will have to pay the piper soon once this start to go.




10/22/14 11:23 AM

#11994 RE: Frackedup #11992

"And when I called Raytheon and spoke to their Director of Investor Relations, he HAD NO IDEA WHO THEY WERE! "

He sure does now. I challenge you to call him back


10/22/14 12:25 PM

#11997 RE: Frackedup #11992

Raytheon has all the information they need with TMMI!!.That relationship/partnership is as strong as the old oak tree!!.

The real news is DFMI, Dimension ,Inc. and Larry Panik, being sued BIG TIME!!.
Hurd,Elton,Diaz along with Larry Panik and Bruce Hoyt for "Misappropriation of Trade Secrets!!.
Misused IP rights of TMMI!!.
Infringement rights!!.
Misappropriation and converted IP from TMMI!!. Unfair competing against TMMI by making false statements and claims asserting their ownership of TMMI's Source Code etc....

That story about calling RTN is getting old, we all know that your phone call was placed, and we all know that I confirmed the real phone call that took place between you and the IR manager!!.

Raytheon is very much aware of the current lawsuit between TMMI/Larry Panik, DFMI ,Dimension, and they have NO PROBLEM with it!!. Business is the same as usual with their current research program, both companies are in it until the end!!.

Testing the TRUDEF™ video compression technology owned by TMMI for a variety of applications in the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance sector. Both companies have committed resources to the venture with the goal of finding solutions to reduce bandwidth costs and improve image quality.

TMMI TRUDEF moves onward and upward Worldwide!!.

You have the wrong company;It's Dimension that has
No LOI's No Contracts and a patent that they have had for 22 months and still can't use it today!!.