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04/19/06 4:56 PM

#204034 RE: famulus #204032

And exactly why does the US have nukes? Who let that Jinn out of the bottle?

The Germans


04/19/06 6:11 PM

#204064 RE: famulus #204032

Canada would not exist without uncle Sam to the South and Gump knows it. Do you really think a country like Iran can be on par with a country like the US even if it was 100,000 years old? So I guess in your opinion Egypt was the best culture because their reign of terror lasted 30,000 years.

"If survival "is the only value according to which a culture is eventually to be judged," then the Nazi culture, which lasted twelve years, had a certain degree of value - the Soviet culture, which has lasted fifty-five years, has a higher value - the feudal culture of the Middle Ages, which lasted five centuries, had a still higher value - but the highest value of all must be ascribed to the culture of ancient Egypt, which, with no variations or motion of any kind, lasted unchanged for thirty centuries."