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10/19/14 11:15 AM

#11420 RE: Adrock #11419

The answer is who cares. Plasma technology won't move this stock and honestly it's probably being used as a vehicle to justify additional dilution to benefit pane.

Official and reportable gold reserves in excess of $20b on 2200 acres will move this stock to $1. Unfortunately the company doesn't have the $1m to execute the reserves so I'm not sure what's going to happen at this point.

Logically one would think management was hoping to release a possible value based on satellite and ground work, hope the stock moved up to .50/.60/etc, issue enough shares to pay for reserve drilling and/or offer a private placement.... Now... Who knows.

Usprinvestor is very adamant in saying we'll see reserve numbers 45-60 days after the process begins. He's yet to comment on when that is Could be 6 months or more.

Usprinvestor or student. Thoughts?