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10/18/14 11:20 AM

#1796 RE: littlejohn #1795

Pacific Webworks PWEB Marlys Haugo. Everything leaves a trace.

but first:

Here is Godaddy The #1 outfit online

(This is from the top front of their website... you may have missed it.)

A great deal to get your business online.
Domain +
Website Builder +
Powered by Microsoft Office 365:
*Price valid for first year only. See offer details.
Then its $11.00 per month.

For State of the art website development WYSIWYG.

LJ.. What you have shown is PWEB costing $79 a month and on a "NEGATIVE OPTION* sale from Pacific webworks. I dont think Paypal even allows that sort of transaction they make so many complaints and are the root of so many lawsuits. But look it up for yourself.

I have alot more DD to show you folks here.

Keep posting LJ it always reminds me of what I want to address here that I find current in my PWEB research.

Also Google this "Marlys Haugo is a Vice President Sales with Pacific Webworks"

In my opinion based on this

"The company state officials say has generated more customer complaints to the Utah Division of Consumer Protection than any other business..."

"Financial Freedom Report, which provides products, services and technology to home business entrepreneurs,..."

"Marlys Haugo, the company's vice president for corporate relations, said Thursday she is confident the company will be able to meet the terms of the order, in part because it is changing the way it does business."

In my opinion this is how PWEB was introduced to the work at home model.. I have alot on this... to be continued.


Also heres a new work at home site of theirs that is starting to build complaints.. (Again I've taken screen shots)

** see a pattern on all the other work at home sites they put up?

and this:

All sounds similar to a post I saw:

Now Pacific WebWorks claims to have gained its growth thanks to web hosting, internet payment system (InteliPay), and by selling “Visual WebTools”. But let’s get real do you think you can sell website maintaining tools when Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft already give away these types of tools for free? Now according to the 10Q provided to the SEC the revenue for the first 9 months of the year Pacific WebWorks made $21,624,424 dollars compared to the $7,351,878 they made for the first 9 months of 2008. “This increase relates to the continued success of the company’s online marketing strategies and partnerships directly targeting new customer acquisition”. I can translate that for you This increase relates to the number of scams we put up during this time and the marketing of these scams to even more people

So how can they make this amount of money when what they are “offering” is so over saturated that people will give the tools away or lower the costs to almost nothing. It’s by running sites like:

Yahoo Success (
EAuctionTutor (
BigMoneyKit (Google Cache)
Come Date (
Google Fast Cash
Goggle Fast Cash
Google Biz Kit
Tweet Profit Studio

Full post here:


An aside concerning their current shareholder lawsuit claims.

The begining of YKnot Holdings is very interesting and everyone thought it started as a Vitamin Supplement operation..




Notice the dates and compare to what the shareholders are saying about the defendants using PWEB resources, fraud, etc.

SCREEN SHOTS OF ABOVE webpages taken and sent to appropriate people interested...

Interesting things on Logio, LLC coming to light. Logio, LLC is the company PWEB Pacific Webworks.. Christian Larsen bought from Kenneth Bell.. People talk, even years later things come up.


Again Everything I say is my own opinion based on extensive Pacific Webworks DD.
