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10/16/14 8:02 PM

#77752 RE: nycrew #77748

ROFL maybe if they used there money to pay gir something like their business license. I love the stock footage what appears to be a recycled vir2o video.

What a POS this thing is.

Almost November proof of anything please?

Oh yeah there is none


10/16/14 10:20 PM

#77757 RE: nycrew #77748

And this is useful how? Who gives af? Actions speak louder volumes. This stock is all talk. They can take the $ i put into them and shove it..imo


10/16/14 11:38 PM

#77758 RE: nycrew #77748

Thanks crew! Can't show that big Apple if there really wasn't a App!
Small stuff, but important proof. JMO!