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04/19/06 1:09 AM

#203999 RE: janice shell #203998

An explanation of the changes on the task force web site -

By: jfarn
19 Apr 2006, 01:04 AM EDT
Msg. 313571 of 313571
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Zahn, not the strong language used prior? Take a look at a letter I sent to Bill...this is the language Shorty was referring to. The language has been removed from the site and replaced with: "If the total number of CMKX shares exceeds CMKX’s outstanding share count, this may be due to the existence of Naked Short Shares in the Market."

Vastly different! Worth asking Bill

By: jfarn
24 Jan 2006, 11:15 AM EST
Msg. 101008 of 206884
(This msg. is a reply to 100988 by jay_adobe.)
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Dear Bill,

After careful consideration it appears to me that there are two very different tones coming from the Task Force at this time. For instance, some key words from the Task Force Site: naked short as high as 2 trillion shares, CMKX shareholders have been handed, on a silver platter, the opportunity to become the most formidable force naked short perpetrators have ever faced. Then I compare this language with the most recent PR and I find any like language curiously absent. There is also a very different tone in my opinion.

Furthermore the Task Force Web Site provides:
Has CMKX been naked shorted?
Credible information indicates the number of naked short shares is potentially as high as 2 trillion shares. However, these numbers must be legally confirmed and validated before any action can be taken. That said, the time has arrived for all CMKX shareholders to flex our considerable collective power in this united campaign to achieve justice for friends, families and ourselves. It is our belief that CMKX shareholders have been handed, on a silver platter, the opportunity to become the most formidable force the naked short sale perpetrators have ever faced.

Considering the eloquent, persuasive language on the site, I have a few questions for you gentleman. First, why has there not been mass notification as a company would do for a proxy statement? Why has this not been instituted as of yet? Time is of the essence. You use the term formidable force on the web site. Well if you want to rally the masses you need to communicate with them----COLLECTIVELY. You have mentioned in the past the Mr. Casavant has committed funds to the cause. Why the delay??

In my opinion, a form of "scorched earth policy" was instituted with a certificate pull; why is the TEAM holding back? It surely can't be to take it easy on Helen's work load? After all, it is unlikely there will be an extension beyond March 15 as stated in the recent PR. There seems to be a huge disconnect for me at this time. Surely you would agree that message boards and general PR's do not suffice for effective notification to ALL CMKX shareholders. You so eloquently stated that "time has arrived for ALL CMKX shareholders to flex our considerable collective power in this united campaign". I am confident that you recognize that our collective power will not be flexed until the TEAM does what it needs to do regarding proper notification to ALL shareholders.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding these concerns and thank you for your continued effort.


J. Farn

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04/19/06 4:51 AM

#204000 RE: janice shell #203998

lol--djzzzzz and raggs were the first two I put on ignore almost 2 years ago--djzzzzz is a drunk,his "darkside" ramblings have always been pretty funny,and raggs,the pittsburgh former mental patient now blathering about 06 a share coming--the thread had 800 posts alone today--can't read it very long,as I can feel my IQ starting to drop
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04/19/06 10:10 AM

#204004 RE: janice shell #203998

WOW - spiritual warfare, squads of police setting traps and good people considering the "happenings" of neighbors.

Can it get any more real than that? The average rube went from seeing a funny car that said "Got CMKX" to a diva that believes the "dark side" and not UC is responsible for all their woes.

What they don't know is UC's new digs in northern Saskatchewan have a huge new addition planned for this summer. I bet the diva/rubes can't wait for the picnic invite.