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10/16/14 12:45 PM

#239109 RE: Snackman #239108

Re: "no sales":

Per the Q2 10-Q:

Embasssy= $3.09m (less $1.53m Dell)= $1.56m

Safend= $1.35m

Not exactly "no sales".


10/17/14 12:05 PM

#239129 RE: Snackman #239108

Snackman: I would like the facts to be different, just like you. But they are not and I accept reality.

Yes, I can wait for the Q3 CC and have campaigned for waiting to see the results.

You, on the other hand, have predicted an upside surprise for Wave shareholders "very soon."

Could you kindly explain what your time frame means? To most of us, it means imminent--as in about to happen.

I am just guessing and wondering if your upside surprise was yesterday's sale of loss-leader e-Sign?

You feel my message about no new sales of significance is repetitive and perhaps you are right. However, let's not forget why this is brought up. The new CEO said we would start to see signs of a turnaround in Q3.

Isn't it fair comment to note what appears to be slippage on the new CEO's time frame?

And haven't you made repetitive posts about all the good things about to happen for Wave shareholders? And have many or any of those predictions come true?

I don't think repetition is the problem, because an easy solution is to simply skip over posts that contain nothing new. Confusing message with the messenger is part of how we came so far down the road to nothingness, IMO.

My messages about Wave have been pretty consistent and pretty accurate, IMO.

Others can judge the accuracy of what other posters say and whether they ring true or not.

Could we have this conversation after the Q3 CC? If it turns out there actually have been no new sales of significance, what would be your response to that fact?

Obviously continually extending the runway for Wave, giving a hopelessly inept and lying CEO more time was apparently not the answer. Do you feel we may be going down that same path again? Do you think we are even close to that? [Note: I do not think the new CEO is either a liar or inept.]

You also said Wave's share price is not "reality." Doesn't a free market reflect some sort of reality in terms of what that market thinks of an equity's chances in the near future? To me, it does.

Wave's share price reflects performance, or rather the lack of it. That is exactly what I criticize. We have the words from the new CEO, but the deeds have yet to catch up. Is it not fair to hold the head guy accountable for what he says will happen in a specified time frame and doesn't?
