100% false information! This pos scam has already diluted over 839M new free shares since last year's 1:100 R/S alone and the previous OS was less than 10M shares right after the R/S! The crap business was never real, GRAS is just a free share-printing machine, period! Buyers beware: GRAS SEC SUSPENSION COMING. AS increased without the shareholder's votes!
0.0001 will be hit in the coming week then another huge R/S kicks in very soon...
GRAS is the mostly overvalued OTC stock even at $0.0000000001 a share! GRAS was always a pos scam and will always be a pos scam!
Buyers Beware! Total 76,167,728 shares dumped at 0.0002 so far! Another new low 0.0001 will be hit as soon as Tomorrow... Very soon another huge R/S will kick in due to no more buyer's interests!
GRAS is an huge dilution and huge R/S pos scam! They did 1:100 R/S on 10/31/2013. When will be the next huge R/S? They are just over quadrupled the AS to 3,950,000,000 shares from 950M shares!
The DD proves: GRAS has always been a purely Share-Printing Pos Scam which had already robbed millions of dollars from all the innocent USA investors during the past years!
SEC SUSPENSION COMING. Both R/S and AS increasing without the shareholder's votes! SEC Suspension any day from now on...
That is 100% false information! This pos scam has already diluted over 839M new free shares since last Octomber's R/S alone and the previous OS was less than 10M shares right after the R/S! The crap business was never real and just serves for the huge dilution purpose! GRAS is just a free share-printing machine, period!
GRAS is the mostly overvalued OTC stock even at $0.0000000001 a share! GRAS was always a pos scam and will always be a pos scam!