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10/05/14 4:13 PM

#238952 RE: Snackman #238951

Snackman: Over the years we had many pilots and trials that came to naught. Yes, conveniently, that is in the past, so we should just disregard and now give the new CEO the same status as many did his predecessor before he was unmasked as clueless, incompetent and hardly a 'genius?'

Re: the deal with the govt--yes, I believe it is potential and not revenue yet. That may come, but it hasn't yet and the amount is so small, Wave characterized it as "modest."

No, I don't think Wave is giving them products for free--but in the past, the company did exactly that--and still couldn't get any follow-on sales.

I think the biggest difference between us about Wave, I am cautiously optimistic, but will wait to see if Solms can cure Wave's ills and put us on the right track.

You think salvation is already here and success is guaranteed--without so much as a new penny coming into Wave's treasury. Even though a year into Solms's tenure, he has sold exactly one "modest" deal to the US govt--and he is our new savior?

Shouldn't we give him a little time to bring in some results before we put the halo on his head? In the past, that didn't seem to work out so well, so waiting a bit might be more prudent than jumping all in at the very first sign of a small sale.

Isn't that like a farmer who just planted a field declaring it would be a bumper crop--before droughts, hail, heavy rains, plagues of locust, etc. It isn't a done deal until the money starts coming in and one can't judge how successful it is, until it leads to other deals with more govt agencies.

As for all the pilots, etc. We've been through it before and spectacular is not the word one would use describing the results.

I want you to be right, but at this point, I think you are a bit premature in judging accomplishments.

Do you think you could find the time to address some of my other points? Why do you think we have just this one sale in a year? Why not other small ones and a big one or two? It sure seems the market for security is ready for good solutions, isn't it? What do you see as the big holdup?
