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04/16/06 1:32 PM

#116968 RE: x-point #116967

X-point...........i believe the TDM

is part of ESC....though if you want to share
data & backup you will need Wave's Server services...

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04/16/06 2:10 PM

#116972 RE: x-point #116967

ETS 5.1 and TDM (?)

So, does anyone want to speculate what is going to be in ETS 5.1? Will the main change be the TDM?

"Related to these trusted computing opportunities, Wave is developing a new Trusted Drive Manager module and enhancing its Key Transfer Manager products which are components of its EMBASSY Trust Suite (ETS) portfolio of trusted computing software."
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04/17/06 8:43 AM

#117012 RE: x-point #116967

x-point re: Trusted Drive Manager:

I think you are correct that software required to make TDM work to the TPM would include ESC and CSP. As I understand this, the most fundamental thing TDM does is link the FDE drive to the TPM allowing for the drive's encrytion keys to be stored on the TPM. Perhaps the basic (optional?) bundle or enabling software would permit other features as well besides configuring the drive to the TPM using ESC, but I do think other enhancements will need to be purchased for server-based network management.

From what I have ascertained, Seagate will be the front-line reseller of Wave software for these drives, since when the user buys the drive will be the time to buy the TPM software as well, although I can see Dell getting a cut also when they sell the drives with the Wave software as an option. Maybe we will even see a standard bundle once this technology catches on and it becomes apparent most all of the users are using their TPMs.