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10/01/14 11:20 AM

#23016 RE: salgovernale69 #23013


Phase 2b and a Partnership.

Let's get it on ONCS!


10/01/14 11:22 AM

#23017 RE: salgovernale69 #23013

They have mentioned several times (in corporate overview, tweeters etc and said the combo trial is a done deal). However, I don't remember they mentioned when they submit the combo trial application to FDA (or when) and everybody speculate the anti-PD-1 is from Merck. I really don't know what to believe. The ESMO poster tell us nothing.


10/01/14 11:29 AM

#23022 RE: salgovernale69 #23013

You make some good points Sal. As far as other milestones not being able to move the price, I disagree. If they report positive MCC results, they have the possibility of gaining orphan drug status which will move the price. Also, announcing a trial on a new indication I feel will also move the price.

I would just add that I am happy they are "changing" from a monotherapy to a combination. I believe the anti PD1 therapy is the way of the future and their ability to hopefully turn non-responders into responders is game changing! Pierce is here for that reason....he sees this combination trial as huge and if he's on board, so am I.


10/01/14 2:12 PM

#23082 RE: salgovernale69 #23013

Clearly the P2B will be the biggest mover as that is what everyone wants to know about. From IR it seems clear that this will happen later this year, so I am not sure when they will give us the details we all want.

The other items I listed all have the potential to increase PPS as they add value. The latest news about conference presentations does nothing to add any value. Especially not when the information is already well known because of good DD or it is just slightly expanding on already presented data. Any conference in which they are doing a poster is probably not going to add value unless there is accompanying activity (i.e. partnership announcement, new IP, etc...). This is one area where I am in agreement with JJ.

Two of the items I listed have the potential to increase share price as much as P2B plans. New IP (assuming it is new and not just some small modification) is the lifeblood of startups. My guess is that they have some new IP, but the level is what I do not yet know. The study on a new indication if accompanied by a 2nd partner, explains the dilution, and/or has supporting data/justification that has not been seen all has the possibility to significantly increase PPS. It is this one that I am currently most curious about given the backgrounds of many of the new hires.

The the third item that I did not mention and which I am curious about is licensing.

Either way, it is getting close to the time that ONCS either puts up or shuts up. Let's see what happens...