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09/27/14 4:49 PM

#5557 RE: mrnutsandbolts #5556


Sorry to step into your bromance, but I wanted to say I completely agree. Just having people know a product is out there isn't enough. You need people that have "contacts" where they can get face-to-face meetings and explain why the product is needed, or why it is better. Adding on management with the proper contacts is key.

Having said that, I'm not sure it will help. I don't know if this product is real. I don't understand why the tech specs aren't somewhere where I can look them over. We know it has a cortex processor. What type of fingerprint reading? Many other questions that could be answered on a modern website that doesn't look like it was put together for dial-up. I've already ranted about the medical keyring, which I see Bilboo picked up and has been trumpeting. This is a reasonable product that is being marketed by two year olds, or a team that is just looking to line their own pockets without intentions of ever bringing a product to market.


Bale out

09/28/14 8:27 PM

#5560 RE: mrnutsandbolts #5556

The "who you know" is exactly my point. Since we have been around for well over a decade and more recently pro-actively presenting the card in the last year the "who you know" side of things should already be sorted.
Having said that, I can't understand why companies are not beating down the door to get our business.