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09/27/14 10:48 PM

#238787 RE: Snackman #238777

Snackman--what you said is true enough. But if you were Bill Solms and you were well aware of the previous CEO's missteps, and if you had something to PR--wouldn't you put out an announcement if it contained revenue?

If it doesn't contain revenue, why bother?

Look, I'm not saying the guy is a failure--judging him only a very narrow spectrum, he simply has not done what he said he would do. That's all. I don't think that means the sky is falling at all.

Both Solms and the rest of us know it is results only that count at this point. If you are the CEO and know the shareholders are really impatient, it seems to me a smart scount like Solms would make sure he didn't promise anything he couldn't deliver.

Time frames are important to shareholders--considering how often they were violated by the very people who set them. He knows this.

That's all--the first signs from Solms are not encouraging. Let's see what Q3 brings. If he doesn't show signs of a turnaround when he said we'd be seeing them, that's even further discouraging. Hardly the end of the world--but he knows well how it will look--that's what I find so telling. Maybe others see it differently.

We gave SKS way too much rope, and he hung us. Solms, IMO must walk a tightrope, never promising what he can not deliver.

The first steps are not positive, but hardly fatal. It just doesn't look good to me. Perhaps you see a year of silence in a positive light. I don't.
