The price will stay here until investors see something concrete indicating convincing profitability around the corner.
Some here believe reportage of financials holds the key. I don't see it that way for I don't believe there's any possibility of even a tiny profit. Nobody gets to sell a worthless company for money. There's something else here and it ain't the cash value. Either folks here understand this or they don't. Those who remain in denial deserve to lose their money and should probably get out of the market altogether.
My bet is that FDMF was sold as a functional shell to be taken over by a group of thugs masquerading as good guys trying to bring affordable housing to the poor in Africa. I expect they are politically connected. Common practice in African business dealings is based on bribery, through and through.
As for BK? He's part of the deal and I think he gets a percentage of something ONLY if he stays on the job as a front man.
I've known some criminals in publicly traded leadership teams. I'm seeing one now.