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09/23/14 11:16 AM

#405199 RE: W3Research #405194


I really appreciate you saying that. Thank you.


09/23/14 12:03 PM

#405209 RE: W3Research #405194

Absolutely love it!

'so there's not the daily mantra.

So, I don't make as much of a worry on that.'

There is nothing whatsoever to worry about with the non-tradeable escrows, yet you don't hesitate to proclaim the unlikelyhood of us getting anything from them. On the other hand I see MUCH to worry about with WMIH.

Here's a mantra for you - (which nobody wants to hear daily) --
- We gave half our company to KKR without knowing anything about their agenda.
- There hasn't been a single M&A yet - the 2 year limit has passed.
- The BOD communicates NOTHING at all to us.
- Phone calls (by me) to corporate headquarters have been useless.
- The PPS is now in a free-fall - after being static for over a year. It is (still) at 2013 levels.
- We are still on this crappy exchange, where anything goes.
- We're up 400% if you use an artificially low PPS as the starting point.
- KKR - the merger experts have produced nothing for us - but now we have to wait until 3, not 2, years transpire.

I've owned many penny stocks that produced no product and had no earnings, but the CEO managed to get the PPS up because he/she gave the shareholders hope. The incompetent IMO BOD here does nothing to give the general potential buyer any hope or any idea of what they (the potential buyers) are buying into. And the MM's must create these wild PPS swings (due to very low volume) because that's how they earn their money. They DON'T need a lot of selling to bring us down.
Down another .09 already today. But bash escrow - not this 'corporate' tragedy.