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09/20/14 6:07 AM

#14641 RE: Dubster watching #14640

A lot of longs here are excited about this including myself. First we are waiting in filings to get that ugly skull and crossbones removed. Then news will come. I think since we haven't heard anything in a while the news will be very juicy. Time will tell


09/20/14 3:34 PM

#14643 RE: Dubster watching #14640

Lots coming down the pipeline Dubs. As of Thursday September 11 (the day I emailed), the attorney had already received the financials (earlier in the week). IF that takes a week or even a week and a bit, then it means that the financials would be uploaded sometime this week. Once that happens, the CEO will issue a NR and then be at liberty to release other information in regards to financing, patents, the JV, general progress, etc.
I'm long and strong here and I can wait as long as necessary, but I have a feeling that this upcoming week will mark the beginning of what we have all been waiting for!!!