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09/19/14 6:50 PM

#2245 RE: glnetadm #2244

glnetadm, I have done some math on todays figures and I think that you will be happy with these results. With the shares that you and I own plus three other respectable investors I know, 2 at 1m each and 1 at 600k. We own just under 40% of the 22 million OS reported on last finacial report. It is impossible to determine if the OS has risen from dilution, so based on those numbers. When yours and mine SEC 13D is posted it will prove these numbers as factual. I speculate, that what you call (small longs)conservativly speaking own 6m shares in total and flippers owning 6m themselves, leaving only a few million, to the so called MM you keep referring to. I remind you this is based on 22m OS. I would assume that this is almost locked. What I believe is in the near future IMO is the flippers will loose their shares and the walls will become very thin and Boooooooooooooom! Believe me, you have done your Job! Just get your paper work in and so will I. So people can see this diamond in the rough!